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principal risk中文是什么意思

用"principal risk"造句"principal risk"怎么读"principal risk" in a sentence


  • 主要风险


  • There are two principal risks in doing this
  • I thought that the w . p . a . insurance should cover all principal risks while , according to what you say , it means very little
  • In this part , we initially put forward the principal risk in getpc . meanwhile we also analyze agent risk and its inducements
  • Because there are many middle layers in the agency - principal chain of soe investment management , so there are both the agency risk and principal risk within soe
  • First it states the five principal risks existing in the body of insurance industry and the causes of them . second , it turns to the problems with the insurance regulation system , such as the incompleteness of insurance legislations , the lack of auth
    首先,指出当前我国保险业存在的五种主要风险(破坏性竞争风险、新险种开发风险、保险市场开放风险、利差损风险、电子网络风险) ,并味分析了造成上述风险的主要原因是有效竞争不足和监管没有到位。
  • The last chapter of the paper put emphasis on analyzing the problems may occur in the practice of master and performance of ucp500 : at first , concisely analyzed some problems should be paid attention to in the process of l / c practice , after that it mainly analyzed the regulations and performance of documents according to ucp500 , and at last the paper analyzed the principal risks in the practice of documentary credits , and some solve methods are presented accordingly
    最后一章较为详细地分析了《 ucp500 》在业务实践中的掌握与运用等问题,首先简要分析了跟单信用证业务流程中应注意的一些问题,接着重点分析了《 ucp500 》对各种单据的规定及其运用,最后较为详细地分析了信用证结算实务中存在的主要风险,并相应地提出了主要的防范措施
  • The enterprises of aerospace industry are wholly state - owned , they have not only the common characteristics of soe for instance the agency risk and the principal risk , but some particular , for example particular capital structure and because of the income from nation according with the costs of the present products , in order to get more dollars from nation finance ministry , the aerospace enterprises try their best to increase the costs and expenses of their products
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